PIC Summit Europe countdown!

Europe's most influential event in the photonic chip industry. Over 700 visitors from more than 20 countries. 

Organised and hosted by PhotonDelta - European Integrated Photonics Ecosystem.


Join start-ups, end-users, investors and academics at PIC Summit Europe

Photonic chip technology

PIC Summit Europe is all about photonic chip technology and its applications. A technology that harnesses the power of light to create energy-efficient, faster, and more accurate microchips. Join and discover the latest developments.

Rich programme &
networking dinner

The conference offers a rich programme with topics ranging from technology policy making, R&D, Heterogeneous Integration and industry applications like LiDAR and sensing. Next to this you can enjoy the many networking opportunities.

Side events

PIC Summit Europe hosts multiple side events that will zoom in on current and pressing topics in the photonic chip industry such as talent attraction, startup funding, Quantum Photonics and roadmapping activities.

About PIC Summit Europe

Taking place 15-16 October in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, PIC Summit Europe attracts the leading lights from across the photonic chip industry, which makes the event one of the most influential events in the industry.

Photonic chips, also known as Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC), harnesses the power of light to create energy-efficient, faster, and more accurate microchips. These enable new applications, such as LiDAR, innovative networking solutions and all kinds of sensing solutions for agrifood, maintenance and medical challenges.

Imagine – two whole days dedicated to discussion, collaboration, and innovation with key international opinion leaders from across our thriving industry. The conference offers a rich programme – featuring keynotes from semicon executives, users of photonic chip technology, EU policymakers, and the wider photonic chip community to discuss the future of the global industry.

PIC Summit Europe theme: Fading Boundaries

The big societal challenges, such as mobility, energy, climate change, zero hunger, science and innovation, and health, are becoming more technology-dependent, driving industry to develop more efficient, more affordable, and better-performing solutions. The co-evolution of Photonic and Electronic Integrated Circuits moves towards ever closer integration towards chips where photonic and electronic technologies seemingly fuse.

The increasing complexity and needed investments in these technologies require collaboration, transcending national interests. Hence the boundaries between photonic and electronic technologies, between academics and industry, and between companies in the value chain, from material suppliers to end-users.


DAY 1: features a curated mix of keynote speakers and panel discussions on a range of topics such as policy making, the future of chip design and semicon.

DAY 2: presents industry keynotes exploring the state of the art of applications using photonic chips and a host of side events on topics such as startup funding, talent attraction and more.

60 +

Expert speakers

700 +



Interactive Sessions

40 +

International partners







Noord Brabantlaan 1A, 5652 LA
Eindhoven, the Netherlands