Tigers Jonuzi

Tigers Jonuzi

  • PIC Design Engineer
  • VLC Photonics

Tigers Jonuzi (M) obtained the M.Sc in Engineering Physics at the university of Politencnico di Milano (Polimi) with a thesis, carried on in the Photonic Devices Group, on the design and control of photonic integrated circuits for light beam manipulation part of H2020 Super-Pixels FET project. He is co-authored of conference papers covering analog photonic computing and optical beam manipulation. He is currently attending an industrial Ph.D., hosted by VLC Photonics S.L., working in the POST-DIGITAL project where his research focuses on the photonic device integration of neuromorphic computing, spanning from reservoir to convolutional neural network schemes, defining an efficient approach for harnessing and suppressing nonlinear optical processes.

All Sessions by Tigers Jonuzi

IPSR-I Wednesday November 8, 2023
IPSR-I Thursday November 9, 2023
Day 2 November 8, 2023
Day 1 November 7, 2023
Day 2 '22 November 8, 2022